Architectural design, roofing, awnings, tarpaulins, tents, canvas, banners, conveyor belts, industrial tubing, tensioned acoustic ceilings, inflatables, winter covers, etc., are only some of the final end-uses for the wide coated woven fabrics produced with our BRILEN VLS yarn.
Such endless applications require a polyester yarn with high performing physical properties and the highest yarn quality control system to ensure there are no defects in the coating process. BRILEN VLS range of yarns accomplishes these high level quality standards thanks to its long experience spinning yarns and supplying this market.
Stable dimensional changes at high temperatures, high mechanical strength, consistency of its properties throughout the whole process, moisture resistant and good adhesion of PVC coating…
BRILEN have been working more than 15 years very close to its customers, to adapt and personalise its yarns to each customer requirements. We are presently supplying our BRILEN VLS yarns to the main weavers for PVC wide fabrics in Europe.
Our agility and flexibility means that we can respond quickly to the market needs and tight deadlines, which has a direct impact on cost savings which improves the competitiveness of our customers.
We believe in long term parnership. We are committed to adapting yarn to your production process, having a made-to-measure range of products available, in properties and finishing.
The European alternative for partnership.
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BRILEN es una empresa de Grupo SAMCA